PVC Troplex company deals with production of PVC poles for viticulture, orchards, young fruit trees and vegetables since year 2005. The product is made of top-notch extruded PVC. The entirety of the production process, starting from raw material entering the production, up to the final manufacturing, is done in the facilities of our company.

PVC poles are harmless for the environment and plants, resistant to weather conditions and do not require additional investments (painting, replacement with new ones due to rotting, etc.). We produce poles according to their purpose, in three ranges of thickness – 22mm, 35mm and 80mm (bearing poles for wires). PVC poles are new structural elements that are used in agriculture, and are imposed as the best choice because of their quality and longevity Pole length is not strictly determined and it can be adapted to needs and wishes of our customers. Moreover, space between wires and number of wires is also adapted to your needs.

Apart from production of PVC poles, we deal with production of gal protectors for underground installations, constructions for greenhouses, installation of fences, vineyards, anti-hail nets…